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Murder Practice "Murder Practice" CD


Murder Practice "Murder Practice" CD


Self titled 2005 debut from Murder Practice on Westcoast Worldwide Records.

Taken from Punk News:

The wave of hardcore bands coming from the hotbed that is the Bay Area is endless; Murder Practice is the latest export from the constantly thriving scene to hit your stereo. Their self-titled debut is a ten-song soundtrack of aggressive hardcore mixed with the fury of punk and the ferociousness of metal. And while a lot of bands claim to be "hardcore-punk mixed with metal," Murder Practice is the real deal.

Track Listing:

1. Altered Beast

2. Sonny Chiba

3. Go Eat Worms

4. What I Make Of It

5. Backdoor Stardom

6. Stick It To The Man

7. Retrogression

8. Survival At Sea

9. From The Start

10. Order 66

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