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Murder Practice "Prophecies of Doom" 12" Vinyl LP


Murder Practice "Prophecies of Doom" 12" Vinyl LP


Second full length album from Murder Practice. A darker tone from their debut album, Murder Practice mixes in heavy d-beat, thrash, doom, rock and black metal influences to make a unique album from 2008.

This is for the self-released 12" LP Prophecies of Doom.

This release is hand-numbered and limited to 500!

420 on green. 80 on black.

LP comes with free CD-R of the album for the technologically advanced.

Official Release Date: May 16th 2008


Side A: 
1. House of Gluttony
2. The Big Easy
3. Crooked Suit
4. Reckless

Side B: 
5. Brain Drain
6. Crushing Bones
7. Ceremony of Degredation
8. The Oldest Lie Ever Told
9. Last Words

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